Privacy Notice

Cassia Thomas Weddings/Elope in Fête does not record any personally identifiable information, except for the forms that the user is free to fill out. This information will not be used without your consent; we will only use it to send you mail, brochures, quotes, or to contact you.

The information collected on the websites is protected by the ‘Informatique et Libertés’ law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978. You have the right to access, rectify, oppose the communication, and request deletion of this information by simply contacting Cassia Thomas Weddings – 42 Avenue Montaigne Paris 75008.

Cassia Thomas Weddings may conduct statistical analyses that are non-personally identifiable and may inform third parties (visitor evaluation organizations) in a summarized and non-personally identifiable form. 

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 

Cassia Thomas Weddings/Elope in Fête is committed to ensuring that the collection and processing of your data, carried out from the website, comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Each form or online service limits the collection of personal data to what is strictly necessary (data minimization) and notably indicates:

  • The purposes of collecting this data
  • Whether this data is mandatory or optional for managing your request
  • Who may have access to it (usually only CassiaThomas, unless specified in the form when transmission to a third party is necessary for managing your request)

The personal data collected within the services offered at are processed using secure protocols, allowing CassiaThomas Weddings/Elope in Fête to manage the requests received through its computer applications. For any information or exercise of your rights regarding personal data processing managed by Cassia Thomas/Elope in Fête, you can contact Cassia Thomas and, if applicable, its Data Protection Officer (DPO).

Use of Cookies

Order management requires the use of cookies. Non-personal information is stored through these cookie systems (text files used to recognize a user and facilitate their use of the site). These cookies have no meaning outside their use on the site.


Cassia Thomas Weddings/Elope in Fête does not control the sites connected to its own and therefore cannot be held responsible for their content. The risks associated with using these sites are solely the user’s responsibility. Users must comply with their terms of use.

Cassia Thomas – International Wedding/Event Planner & Designer Siret 48149802000025

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